Tune in this Saturday February 23rd @ 11AM to hear Women Hold Up Half The Sky host exhibiting photographer, Cal student, and facilitator of the “Peoples & Places: Memory of Cityscapes” DeCal Menat El Attma.
Having emigrated from Egypt to the United States in November 2005, Menat El Attma is now a junior studying English literature at UC Berkeley. She is a writer, self-taught visual artist and Muslim woman who is personally invested in a myriad of art forms. To her, it is necessarily through art that we can meaningfully study history, religion, science, language, ourselves and each other. The more she practices with these accessible instruments — the pen, brush and camera — the more she understands that the art is in the telling of the story as much as the story itself. With that said, too often have the stories of women — Black women in particular — been told in the same shameful and misconstrued way(s). And so, many portraits taken by El Attma are specifically of women in efforts to rewrite the narrative. In this project, she endeavors to feature this spellbinding relationship between the femina (Latin, woman) and nature by the faculty of a camera lens.