Join The Genderwave on Sunday, July 10th @ 9:30PM for a conversation with Brooklyn based musician, sound designer, and educator, Matthew Ryals, ahead of his show at Amado’s in SF on Friday, July 15th.
Primarily working with a modular synthesizer, Ryals’ music explores aleatoricism, cybernetics, and unfixed forms. Currently, his research investigates human-machine collaboration and the co-authorship of the resultant material. Tiny Mix Tapes has described his music as “filter[ing] the emotion of the human experience through the cold circuitry of electronics”.
His third album, impromptus in isolation, was released June 17, 2022 on Sound As Language. Elaborating on methods developed for his 2021 release Voltage Scores, the entire album was recorded live without overdubs and merges free improvisation, generative processes, and the multi-sectional forms of classical composition.